free STUFF

Welcome to the page full of free stuff! Here you’ll find several free downloadable resources to help guide you through your Adminnovate journey. This page is updated regularly, so check back often!

free stuff

Welcome to the page full of free stuff! Here you’ll find several free downloadable resources to help guide you through your Adminnovate journey. This page is updated regularly, so check back often!

access all 4 book bonuses

Your Guide to the adminnovate model

The book bonuses are your companion diagrams and checklists as you work through the Adminnovate Model in Buried in Business.

Download all 4 here:

BONUS 1: The AM House Diagram

BONUS 2: Inspection Checklist

BONUS 3: The Courtyard Meeting Agenda

BONUS 4: The AM Village Diagram

unlock your power ebook

a resource for admins

Do you ever wonder what your executive needs, but can’t quite put into words? Do you wonder how you can take your position to the next level? This resource outlines 4 key behaviors that your executive needs from you but aren’t on your resume.


getting started with a virtual assistant

a quick reference guide

So you’re ready to hire a virtual assistant but need a little guidance. No problem! I’ve prepared a quick reference guide to answer some basic questions like How much does it cost? How do I communicate? What should I delegate? What platforms are available?

I got you!

quick tips for effective delegation

a quick reference guide

Do you find yourself thinking:

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

No more! Download this one-sheet for quick tips for effective delegation so you can get unburied! 


A Quickstart Guide for disorganized SOLO-preneurs

a quick reference guide to getting organized

Solopreneurs are a special breed! You passion and determination will get you far! Clearing the clutter in your business and in your brain can unlock enormous possibilities. If being disorganized is holding you back, download this guide now!


workshop & consulting material

view Jamie's proven process

If you’re looking for more information about how to work with me, download the proven process for Workshops and Consulting. I’m easy to work with and will guide you through each step so you always know what to expect.

speaker one-sheet

hire Jamie to Speak at your next event

I teach small business leaders how to eliminate burden by maximizing their administrative teams. If you’re organizing an event for small businesses, owners, managers, and administrative audiences, download my one-sheet to learn more about my keynote topics. 

start adminnovating in your company

Book a Discovery Call!

You’ll get:

  • Quick survey about your company & needs (complete below)

  • 30 minute call with Jamie to talk about your challenges

  • Customized workshop proposal. Pricing starts at $500

  • Free book!

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