Five Reasons to Fall (back) In Love with Your Day Job


Amidst the messages of pursuing your dreams in the form of running your own company, there are still many people who truly enjoy their day jobs. If you aren’t one of them, let this be your message to consider falling back in love. 

When I quit my teaching career, I was burnt out. I’d overextended my time, my budget, and my emotional bandwidth for a career that I didn’t love. I attempted to approach each day with fresh optimism, but it was a daily battle. My heart just wasn’t in it. 

Searching for my next career was an arduous task, and I found my calling in construction by luck. I think back to the reasons I fell in love with the construction industry. It was the people. It was the opportunity to learn something new.  It was the guilt-free clock-out at the end of the day. It was the stability and predictability, which was a vast change from the emotional volatility of middle-school students!

Maybe you’re thinking: my job is like working with emotionally volatile pre-teens! Maybe your coworkers act like children from time to time, but don’t submit that resignation just yet. It’s easy to blame your manager, coworkers, schedule or pay for your lack of motivation, but your job satisfaction relies on your internal perception. Falling in love with your job for the first time, or many times over, serves you as well as your company. You may have to dig deep to make that shift, but it’s worth it.

There are many reasons you should fall (back) in love with your day job. Here are five:


1. The Steady Paycheck

Sure, being your own boss seems glamorous and freeing, but 90% of start-ups fail. They fail because many business owners aren’t prepared for the *ahem* administrative work that it takes to run and keep a business running. But keep that day job and your paycheck is more predictable. 

You aren’t likely worried if your employer has paid the electric bill to the office, or stress about the taxes they owe. Of course there are risks of losing your steady 9-5, but you won’t go to bed each night wondering if you can pay your business bills on top of your personal bills. 


2. Stability and Benefits

Do you know what many start-ups lack? They lack a robust benefits program. I won’t get on my soapbox about how the United States’ healthcare system is broken. However, employers with at least 50 employees are required to pay at least 60% of your healthcare premium. 

In addition to various healthcare coverages, 401K contributions, paid leave, reimbursements, training, and other perks add up. Not only do they carry monetary value, but they save you the stress of shopping for rates and evaluating various options. This doesn’t prevent you from investing in other programs, but provides some baseline benefits for which you may otherwise not qualify. That’s worth some peace of mind.


3. Working with People You Like

If Gallup shows that 70% of the workforce is disengaged at the office, how did I find such freedom and happiness in a simple desk job? There wasn’t anything special about my first administrative position at a small construction company. There weren’t ping-pong tables or free lattes. In fact, I worked in a retro-fitted garage with two other admins. It wasn’t glamorous. But the people made it worthwhile. When you work with people you like, it doesn’t always matter what you’re doing. Great coworkers are worth their weight in gold.


4. You Have More Control Than You Think

A micromanaging boss can deflate any employee. Lack of control or authority is a thief of motivation and innovation. But even in situations where you feel like you don’t have control, you may have more than you think. 

To quote Napoleon Hill: “If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.”

  • Don’t just deliver that report, present it in a way that makes it easier for your boss to skim.
  • Don’t just schedule the luncheon, go the extra mile to personalize the presentation.
  • Don’t just ask for a signature, flag it, highlight it, show them the most important information clearly.


Anticipate your boss’ next move and be prepared. Show them that you have the drive and knowledge to take things to the next level.


5. Workers Like You Make the World Go ‘Round!

Finally, know your value. I’m not talking about your salary or other forms of outside validation. Know that you are imperative to the success of your team and company. Understand your strengths and the unique skills that you bring to the organization. Cultivate that internal self-love in whatever way suits your lifestyle: meditation, therapy, friendships, family, art, etc. 

We need workers like you. All businesses, but especially the small businesses, need people like you who want to support the team, organize the information, and strengthen the backbone of the company.

Don’t quit your day job. Fall in love with it. It needs you. We need you.


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